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About Us

Who We Are

Linden-Linthicum UMC is an inclusive community, deeply rooted in the Christian tradition, making the faith come alive for 21st century people. We are a family in Christ made up of seasoned believers, those new to faith, and young Christians discovering their beliefs together. We are always excited about welcoming others. Worship is central in our life together. Our worship is warm and traditional. Sermons usually follow a sermon series that either focuses on going deep into an aspect of scripture or theology, or which speaks directly to issues we all face today. We celebrate Holy Communion monthly, sing old and new tunes with vigor, and share our joys, concerns and prayers.

We trace our history in Clarksville back over 200 years to some of the first Methodist meetings in the newly-formed USA. These early groups of methodists came together into two Clarksville-area Methodist congregations - Linthicum Methodist Church & Linden Chapel - which have now come together as a united church, ready to get to work in Howard County to share the good news of Jesus Christ and serve our neighbors.

  • What are your worship services like?
    Our 10:00am Sunday Worship Services are casual-traditional. They are in the sanctuary and the congregation sits in pews (long benches). You will hear music from our organ and piano, and we mostly sing hymns. Sometimes the congregation will have some speaking parts (prayers & responses) that will be projected on our screen for you to read out loud. Traditional worship has been developing for over 2,000 years. Some of what you'll see goes all the way back to the apostles! This means that we follow a set order of service utilizing prayers, creeds, and other rituals that have been helping Christians connect with God since the time of Jesus. Every part of the service is explained so you don't have to worry about not knowing what to do or what's going on. So if you're new to "doing church," don't worry! You will quickly find your place here.
  • What's available for children?
    On Sunday Mornings, we have grade-level Children’s Sunday School for children 3 years old (and toilet-trained) – 12th grade. Students begin in worship with their family and are invited to go to Sunday School after the scripture lessons & Children's Sermon. (They are always welcome to stay in worship, too! Don't worry if they make a little noise. It doesn't bother us - seriously!) Nursery Care is also available for babies and toddlers. We also have a Youth Program for High Schoolers & Middle Schoolers that meets Sunday evenings. There is no fee for any of these ministries.
  • What should I wear?
    It really is the truth that you should wear whatever you are comfortable in. But, we know that for most people being comfortable also has an element of not sticking out. For our indoor services, many people wear business clothes or business casual (slacks and a collared shirt or button-down). But you will also see members in jeans or leggings, and shorts! Really, you should wear what makes you feel most like yourself. If we hold an outdoor service, please dress for the weather! During the hot summer months, wear your shorts and a t-shirt. If it’s chilly, bring a sweater or blanket to wrap yourself in.
  • What about Communion?
    We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month and on major holidays. We use bread and unfermented grape juice. During services with Holy Communion, those in the congregation are invited to walk up to the front of the church, receive a piece of bread and a small cup of juice and consume both elements. Gluten free elements are available. All persons who love God, repent of their sin, and seek to live in peace with their neighbor are invited to receive communion in United Methodist churches. This means that you do not need to be a member of our church or any specific church to fully participate in Holy Communion. We call this an “open table.” Customarily, Holy Communion is a meal for baptized Christians. If you feel yourself called by the invitation but haven’t been baptized yet, you can still participate in Holy Communion with us, but if God is calling you to receive Communion, you should talk to the pastor after the service so that you can be baptized as soon as possible.
  • Where do I park and how do I get in the building?
    LLUMC has ample parking in our parking lots. On Sunday Mornings most people enter through the courtyard entrance next to the main parking lot. Handicap parking spaces and an accessible door can be found in the parking lot on the east side of the building, opposite the Hilltop Early Learning Center.
  • What accommodations can you make for disabilities?
    The public areas of LLUMC's building are fully accessible. An elevator is available for those with mobility challenges to access the lower level. A motorized door can be found on the east side of the building, opposite Hilltop Early Learning Center. LLUMC has a relationship with an ASL interpretation service which can be utilized pending availability with coordination in advance. Contact the office at for more information.
  • What is a United Methodist Church?
    Methodism began in the Church of England in the 1700s as a network of small groups that focused on practicing Christianity and applying it to the way we live everyday life. After the American Revolution, Methodists in America formed an organized church and today The United Methodist Church is one of the daughter-churches of that original movement. United Methodists are committed to the historic Christian faith as found in the Nicene Creed & Apostles Creeds and the belief that God’s love and salvation are available to absolutely everybody. On other questions, Methodists have a large diversity of opinions, and that’s okay! You can learn more about what United Methodists believe here.


United Methodist Church

Linden-Linthicum UMC,  12101 Linden-Linthicum Lane, Clarksville, MD 21029  |  |  Tel: 410-531-5653

Opening Hours:

Monday: 8am-Noon

Tuesday: 8am-3pm

Wednesday 8am-11:30am

Thursday: 8am-3pm

Closed Friday and Saturday

Join us for worship Sunday at 10am!

©2024 by LINDEN-LINTHICUM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. Powered and secured by Wix

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